About Me
Bob Harper is a renowned Scottish artist, now based in Glasgow. Specialising in unique portraits of some of the music industry's most famous faces, Bob's paintings are unique in both style and technique with each portrait featuring song lyrics by the musician and other associated text, adding an extra element of style to these amazing pieces of work.

Artist Statement
Until recently I spent most of my life in the North East of Scotland, attending school there and latterly Grays School of Art in Aberdeen. I specialised in graphics and printmaking but have always enjoyed painting. After a career in education, teaching art to all levels from primary to tertiary, I began painting full time when I took early retirement in 2000. The subject matter I paint reflects my love of rock music, an endless interest in faces, contemporary lyrics and hand writing. Another fascinating aspect of portraiture I try to exploit is just how little of a face we need to recognise a subject. Clearly, the more iconic the subject, the less information is required. I have developed all of these themes in my portraits, which are worked in watercolours, acrylics, coloured pencils and chalks.
Bob Harper Originals, Drawings and Limited Edition Prints are for sale exclusively on bobharperart.com and on display in private collections around the world.